You only need the Finland National Fisheries Management Fee 2025 fishinglicence for spin fishing and trolling with a single rod across most of Finland in 2025. However, in special fishing areas, such as rapids, an additional permit is required.
If you are 18–66 years old, you must also pay the national Fisheries Management Fee for other types of fishing (e.g. net fishing) in addition to the regular fishing licence.
Price, Season, Method, Group
47€/Year 2025 (18-66 years old)
National fisheries management fee must be paid by anyone aged 18-66 fishing in Finland unless you are only ice fishing, or fishing with a simple rod and line (without a reel and lure). The annual fee is valid until 31st December. National fisheries management fee entitles you to fish in the fishing waters within a whole Finland. Fishing Permit entitles you to fish using single rod, reel and lure. You may also use a weighted lure or diver. This fishing Permit entitles you to fish everywhere but not at protection areas (often special fishing grounds and salmon and whitefish abundant rapids and currents). You can often purhace other permit to those areas. National fisheries management fee must not be paid in Aland.
"Anybody engaging in the catching of fish or crayfish shall pay the National fisheries management fee. The fishery fee is 47 euros for each calendar year or 16 euros for each fishing period lasting a maximum of seven days or 6 euros for one day. However, persons under 18 or over 65 years of age and persons who engage in angling or ice fishing are exempt from the fishery fee. Angling is fishing done with a rod without a reel suitable for spinning and in which the rod or line is in the hand of the angler or within his/her arm s reach and no jigs, trolls, flies or other artificial implements are used as lures. Ice fishing is fishing done with a vertically moved jig attached to a line, in which the line is held by hand, or a short rod not suitable for spinning is used. "
"Proof of payment of the fishery fee shall be carried while fishing and be presented on demand and to the owner of the waters or to the holder of the fishing rights, or to the person whose duty it is to monitor in the area in question compliance with provisions and stipulations in force on fishing. "(Finnish Fishing Act 286/1982 88-89 §)
You can get easily all licences to your fishing group at same order from our webshop.